Friday, May 9, 2014

We made it!  Home Sweet Home    9 weeks in Spain was an amazing adventure full of memories and experiences that we both will always treasure.  The people we met are wonderful and we have made many lifetime friends.

 The last few days in Granada were filled, taking in all we could .  The hotel was the best of the trip, and convenient walking distance to all sites.  Loved walking through the different areas. Only one incident where we both thought we were being watched, possible pickpocket situation.   We had been warned so were cautious and finally got away from this person.

The drive to Madrid was traumatic for Ter, got stopped by two Civil Guard on motorcycles.  Ticketed for no lights in a tunnel and not driving in the slow lane.  Great last night in Madrid.  Took the reception's suggestion for tapas and supper and it paid off, wonderful food and exceptional service.

Been sorting through over 1000 pictures,, planning on making a photo album so hopefully some of you will see more of our adventure.

Hope you all have enjoyed our postings we have had fun sharing with you

Adios amigos          with love from Kansas

Monday, May 5, 2014

More update on Seville,  we enjoyed ourselves though the city is much too big for our liking.  Took the sightseeing bus again first thing in the morning and it was much more tolerable.  Visited the Cathedral, which is truly amazing, so vast and ornate.   Walked around a lot of the centre of town,seeing lots of street entertainers, horse carriages and different sections of town.

Now have spent two days in Granada and it is so much more fun.  Okay "Jill" our garmin GPS got  us lost and it took two hours longer circling around  and down the wrong way on a one way street,to find our hotel and parking but we made it!  Great hotel in center of things.  Spent the first afternoon sight seeing, the cathedral here is even more impressive than Seville.  Walked through the Jewish and gypsy sections.  Terry had fun bartering with the people.  Got a guided tour through the Alhambra, three hour walking tour that was very informative. It is so Hugh can not imaging visiting it without a guide.  To even get in you have to make reservations a month ahead of time.   Made friends with Arab named Mohamed (imagine that)who joined us for tapas.    Heading to Madrid tomorrow , then home. Have tons of photos but will take a few days to get them loaded and sorted. Will post more soon.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Just a quick note, hard day!   Started off with getting separated, took forever to find each other.  Yesterday we missed the last bus to hotel had to walk forever, previously had taken a sightseeing bus, only seats were on the inside and we were so hot got off after two stops.  Most of you know how I do when HOT and tired :). Got mixed up with a HUGH crowd coming out from a bull fight.  So have had some mishaps in Seville be ready to move on to Granada.   Seville is beautiful and lots to see but also a very big city.  Cordoba was a lot easier to navigate and lots more charm and character.  

Buenos noches.  Will post more pictures soon

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Having trouble loading pictures,will try again tomorrow in Seville.  This is our third day in Cordoba, it is a beautiful town and I have taken over a hundred pictures.  The first day we got here mid afternoon, walked around till around 10 seeing numerous histories sites and neighborhoods, soaking in the culture.  Yesterday started the day with an audio tour of the Mosque/Cathedral which took about three hours then on to the Alcazar an ancient Moorish military post now filled with amazing gardens.  Rested a couple of hours then out for an evening of site seeing and a Flamenco show at 10:30, walking back to hotel about 1.   Today was a demonstration parade followed by a May Day parade and every square in town is having their own parties, three days of celebrating. All the squares are by churches and they have big crosses decorated with flowers as part of the celebration.  We are heading out again now for supper and to take in more of the celebrations, music and dancing.  Will head to Seville tomorrow for two nights then to Granada.   Doing as much as we can in these last few days.  Then home to recuperate!!!  Sending a hug with love from Spain

Monday, April 28, 2014

7 1/2 weeks have flown by have only 1 1/2  to go. We pick up John and Mair tonight will spend one more night here and then head to Cordoba tomorrow.  Hoping to leave mid day, about a four hour drive if you know the way.  Will have them check over everything make sure they are happy with the care provided.  Terry spent all morning draining the water in the pool and cleaning it before putting more water in.   When we got here the pool had a leak so some pool guys came and took out all the tile on the bottom and fixed the leak and retiled.  We have kept a foot of water in it to protect the grout, but with all the leaves, it was becoming a habitat for mosquito breeding so needed to clean it out.  Yesterday spent the day doing last cleaning, and washed the car.

Talking of cars the Subaru looks fantastic in the picture, this car is a wreck but makes it to the trash containers in town every week, if you put water in it first.  That is all it is used for, another wreck of a car is used for tool storage, they are quite frugal here .

Thought you would enjoy a few pictures of this place before we leave.  Been a busy week having friends over to say goodbye.  Out or up till midnight last four nights, ready for some early to bed time:).  We have had a wonderful time here and met a lot of great people, leaving with very fond memories.

Sitting having coffee on the patio this morning heard a real cocoo bird, went to town to find a barber, Ter getting pretty shaggy but was told the barber is known for liking to drink so may wait a day

Will write more from Cordoba, Adios for now

Friday, April 25, 2014

Tuesday night Bunco party was lots of fun,  I won the prize for most snake eyes. Snake eyes cause you to loose all your points!  Hard to say goodbye to these ladies I have had so much fun with.  Will keep in touch with several on Facebook.   The hostess, Mags is a 70 year old actress, quite a character.  She had just auditioned for a play that day, and was hoping to hear from them.  She is an incredible hostess, with fancy English sandwiches, tons of desserts...  

No more guest till Saturday so doing our final sprucing up around here.  Ter has tighten up several chairs, fixed lawn chairs, gate latches and hung another clothes line.  I have been dead heading and trimming plants and bushes.

Yesterday took a trip to Cabo de Gato a national park, stopping in a small seaside village (San Jose) on the way.   Yes we do know the way to San Jose, after getting lost last time.  Enjoyed a great lunch by the beach.   Took some pretty rough gravel roads but made it to Cabo de Gato.   Always amazed at the beautiful scenery.  On the way home stopped to help a car broken down on the side of the road.  Older man, his car had overheated.  Last time we stopped to help a hitchhiker did not go as well.

Last night invited Angie and Peter up for dominoes, Ter ordered a regular set of Mexican Train dominoes for them to have after we leave.  They love the game.

A bit windy today, will be meeting up with friends for tapas.   Wishing you all the best, with love from Spain

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Friday night met up at our favorite tapas bar with friends, took some of our guest.  Scottish couple here looking to buy a place. On Saturday went to flea market and ran into Hadyn, Kristy and Isabelle so we ate lunch together and then we took Isabelle for a couple of hours.  Later Hadyn took us to the goat farm where he was a shepherd for a year.   Way back in the hills, quite a ride, very narrow steep,curvy gravel road with shear cliffs.  There is a 97 year old lady that lives back there all by herself, saw her out picking oranges.  Kristy told us the ambulance goes back there every two weeks to pick her up for doctor appointment.   Baby goats all over,  500 goats that two sherperds milk twice a day.
 Easter Sunday went to church and took it easy, lots of late nights.   In the evening took two guest to a restaurant about 5 km from here and as we were driving there we saw several large fires in the distance,quite alarming.  Luckily over night they were able to get them in control.  There has been no significant rain here since last April when they had a flood, the road by this cortijo was 6 feet deep in water.  The couple we went with were very interesting, she is an archeologist and he plays in several jazz bands, even plays country (Hank Williams).

Monday all guest gone so busy cleaning, no more till Saturday so gives us a few days to take a few more day trips. Last knitting circle this morning and a chance to say goodbye to several ladies.  Have met over 60 people that we have interacted with several times in last 6 weeks.  Tonight off to a Bunco party.   Ter invited to dominoes with the men. Adios for now