Friday, May 9, 2014

We made it!  Home Sweet Home    9 weeks in Spain was an amazing adventure full of memories and experiences that we both will always treasure.  The people we met are wonderful and we have made many lifetime friends.

 The last few days in Granada were filled, taking in all we could .  The hotel was the best of the trip, and convenient walking distance to all sites.  Loved walking through the different areas. Only one incident where we both thought we were being watched, possible pickpocket situation.   We had been warned so were cautious and finally got away from this person.

The drive to Madrid was traumatic for Ter, got stopped by two Civil Guard on motorcycles.  Ticketed for no lights in a tunnel and not driving in the slow lane.  Great last night in Madrid.  Took the reception's suggestion for tapas and supper and it paid off, wonderful food and exceptional service.

Been sorting through over 1000 pictures,, planning on making a photo album so hopefully some of you will see more of our adventure.

Hope you all have enjoyed our postings we have had fun sharing with you

Adios amigos          with love from Kansas

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