Monday, April 28, 2014

7 1/2 weeks have flown by have only 1 1/2  to go. We pick up John and Mair tonight will spend one more night here and then head to Cordoba tomorrow.  Hoping to leave mid day, about a four hour drive if you know the way.  Will have them check over everything make sure they are happy with the care provided.  Terry spent all morning draining the water in the pool and cleaning it before putting more water in.   When we got here the pool had a leak so some pool guys came and took out all the tile on the bottom and fixed the leak and retiled.  We have kept a foot of water in it to protect the grout, but with all the leaves, it was becoming a habitat for mosquito breeding so needed to clean it out.  Yesterday spent the day doing last cleaning, and washed the car.

Talking of cars the Subaru looks fantastic in the picture, this car is a wreck but makes it to the trash containers in town every week, if you put water in it first.  That is all it is used for, another wreck of a car is used for tool storage, they are quite frugal here .

Thought you would enjoy a few pictures of this place before we leave.  Been a busy week having friends over to say goodbye.  Out or up till midnight last four nights, ready for some early to bed time:).  We have had a wonderful time here and met a lot of great people, leaving with very fond memories.

Sitting having coffee on the patio this morning heard a real cocoo bird, went to town to find a barber, Ter getting pretty shaggy but was told the barber is known for liking to drink so may wait a day

Will write more from Cordoba, Adios for now

Friday, April 25, 2014

Tuesday night Bunco party was lots of fun,  I won the prize for most snake eyes. Snake eyes cause you to loose all your points!  Hard to say goodbye to these ladies I have had so much fun with.  Will keep in touch with several on Facebook.   The hostess, Mags is a 70 year old actress, quite a character.  She had just auditioned for a play that day, and was hoping to hear from them.  She is an incredible hostess, with fancy English sandwiches, tons of desserts...  

No more guest till Saturday so doing our final sprucing up around here.  Ter has tighten up several chairs, fixed lawn chairs, gate latches and hung another clothes line.  I have been dead heading and trimming plants and bushes.

Yesterday took a trip to Cabo de Gato a national park, stopping in a small seaside village (San Jose) on the way.   Yes we do know the way to San Jose, after getting lost last time.  Enjoyed a great lunch by the beach.   Took some pretty rough gravel roads but made it to Cabo de Gato.   Always amazed at the beautiful scenery.  On the way home stopped to help a car broken down on the side of the road.  Older man, his car had overheated.  Last time we stopped to help a hitchhiker did not go as well.

Last night invited Angie and Peter up for dominoes, Ter ordered a regular set of Mexican Train dominoes for them to have after we leave.  They love the game.

A bit windy today, will be meeting up with friends for tapas.   Wishing you all the best, with love from Spain

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Friday night met up at our favorite tapas bar with friends, took some of our guest.  Scottish couple here looking to buy a place. On Saturday went to flea market and ran into Hadyn, Kristy and Isabelle so we ate lunch together and then we took Isabelle for a couple of hours.  Later Hadyn took us to the goat farm where he was a shepherd for a year.   Way back in the hills, quite a ride, very narrow steep,curvy gravel road with shear cliffs.  There is a 97 year old lady that lives back there all by herself, saw her out picking oranges.  Kristy told us the ambulance goes back there every two weeks to pick her up for doctor appointment.   Baby goats all over,  500 goats that two sherperds milk twice a day.
 Easter Sunday went to church and took it easy, lots of late nights.   In the evening took two guest to a restaurant about 5 km from here and as we were driving there we saw several large fires in the distance,quite alarming.  Luckily over night they were able to get them in control.  There has been no significant rain here since last April when they had a flood, the road by this cortijo was 6 feet deep in water.  The couple we went with were very interesting, she is an archeologist and he plays in several jazz bands, even plays country (Hank Williams).

Monday all guest gone so busy cleaning, no more till Saturday so gives us a few days to take a few more day trips. Last knitting circle this morning and a chance to say goodbye to several ladies.  Have met over 60 people that we have interacted with several times in last 6 weeks.  Tonight off to a Bunco party.   Ter invited to dominoes with the men. Adios for now

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Very busy few days, on Thursday Nicola and Laura left, hated to see them go.  We all ate together at El Molina's a favorite local restaurant.  (All 6 guest and us)

Friday being a holy day we headed to Cuevas de la Alamanzora.  Kind of took the wrong road ended up on a narrow gravel road through the mountains but got there JUST as the parade started.  One of our neighbors had informed us about the Good Friday celebration in this town. People come from all over to participate and observe.  Most of the Spanish come very dressed up.  We were totally in awe of the size of this parade.  We got there at 11 am and did not leave till after 2pm and there was hours left to go, we both took so many pictures at the start that our batteries died.  Facing the sun at first so hard to get good shots.  The people in the parade were dressed in velvet robes and hoods and walked for HOURS in the heat.  I was getting overheated just watching and in much cooler clothes.  There were at least 10 bands, 20 floats, several groups of hooded marchers, horses.... beyond words to describe the atmosphere and the significance of the celebration.  Several of the floats were actually carried by men, with spare men walking behind to relieve those carrying.  On one float I counted 52 men, they would move a few inches at a time go 20 or so feet and rest, and the crowd would applaud.The floats were very elaborate draped with live flowers. It was a very unique experience which we totally enjoyed.  Lots  more to tell you about but will end on this event for today.  Wishing you all a very Happy Easter.   With love from Spain

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hard water here as you can tell by Terry's hair in the morning.  We have been calling it the "Einstein Look"   Been having fun visiting with guest. Learning interesting facts about England.  Stories about the "travelers" the Irish gypsies in the north of England.   Still have arranged marriages at 14 years of age, and devoted Catholics.  Keep pretty much to themselves.  Lots of interesting facts and stories.  We have an owl here that sounds like an electronic beep, it is called a Scops Owl. (sp?)

Sunday was Palm Sunday and everyone gathers at the town square  to collect olive branches. The priest blesses the branches and then everyone follows "Jesus"on the donkey to the church.  Have learned that in towns around their our possessions all week to celebrate Holy Week, hoping to see a few.

Tried a new place last night, only open 5 months.  A young couple from England bought the place and completely restored it.  Great food and nice place, Corinna in our knitting circle works there.

Off to knitting today, hoping to finish the crochet top, Ter is going to do some handy work for an elderly lady in town.  New guest coming today.   More later  - love to all!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

All guests left on Wednesday, sure hated to see them go. Bronnie and Keith invited us to England and New Zealand.  Will be fun to keep in touch with them.  So it has been a busy few days getting all places cleaned and ready for next guest.  Laura and Nicola checked in on Thursday.   Both from England, and they both have fun accents.  Spent most of the afternoon visiting with them and showed them the town and went for tapas.  They are in their thirties and have traveled extensively.  Took a trip with 30 others on an old restored bus and traveled from England to Australia.  Had the bus shipped there.  On their journey  they visited Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Tibet, Mongolia, Russia.   Sure I have missed a few.   fascinated by their stories.  Of all places they said that Iran was by far the friendliest.  We took them for tapas again last night and introduced them to several English residents.  They also joined us for a trip to Albox to the flea market.  Second set of guest arrive this afternoon and another on Monday.  Just got another booking for Thursday.  Keeping busy!

Had to move a few beds around so Hadyn came over and lent a hand.  He brought Isabelle (4) and so I got my "Mima" fix.   Been missing the grandkids.

It is so nice to sit outside and hear the goat bells as they pass.

Every door has chains or beads hanging down to keep flies out,they can be pesty.

One of our guest left some computer cords so we went to the post office to mail them.  Found out it is  only  open  from 1 - 1:45 Evidently one person to deliver mail and run office.

Tomorrow heading to town early to see the Palm Sunday Parade, the carry a statute of Jesus to the Church and throw palms.

The weather here is getting really nice, no more hot water bottles!  Wildflowers are blooming, adding lots more color.   Adios for now Sending a hug!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Time to catch up.  Saturday we went to the flea market, ran into 9 people we knew from Lubrin.  Good size flea market and reasonable prices.  That night we went to supper at Angie and Peter's.  Peter cooked a fabulous meal, quite the gourmet cook.  We sat out on the terrace and enjoyed a beautiful evening.  Later went inside to teach them Mexican Train dominies, which they loved, had a great night.  Josie and Tony joined us.  Have to cover wine glasses or there are several fruit flies next sip!  That is how tapas started,they would bring out your wine covered with a piece of bread.  Has evolved from that.

Sunday off to church, I was the only non Spanish one there.  Turned out to be a funeral mass, at the beginning everyone stood and turned towards the door and the coffin was carried in.  At the end of the service the coffin was carried out put in a "hearse" and the whole church followed the hearse, walking through the town to the cementary.  A lot of men stay outside of the church, do not go in but join the procession.  Tony told us that a lot of people have turned against the church after the church supported Franco.

We cooked up all the peppers Hadyn brought and shared them with guest and took some for supper at Angie's.  Very different but not bad.

Funny to walk around town,  you see ladies with pieces of cardboard to shade themselves, they do not wear sun glasses.

Last night a  couple of guest Keith and Bronwyn invited us for drinks and tapas, all the guest joined so 7 of us.  Ended up playing Mexican Train dominoes which most of them had never heard of and listening to Tom Jones.   Fun evening later went for drinks at local bar and ran into Angie and Peter.
To bed to be woken up at 4 am by a 4 inch centipede, that bite Ter on the arm!!! No sleep after that.

Keith and Browyn are a very interesting couple originally from New Zealand. They live in ChristChurch and experienced the hugh earthquake in 2010.  Did not loose house or family but close to many effected.  They lived on a canal boat in England for several years, now Keith does computer programming and she is a "Matron" at a very posh private school (Bradfield)   Looks a lot like Hogwarts.  She says the Russian girls are very wealthy and have their own private drivers. She looks after 64. Her friend from New Zealand works their also.  

Today, off to knitting.  Was able to get half a top crocheted.  Home to treat Sammy who is covered with fleas.  Got phone call about a packaged, the poor guy just kept SIGHING really big. Finally he evidently found someone who speaks English who called and we were able to set up a meeting place to pick up the package.  Flat tire on the car but hey with these roads you do not even notice.  We all drive on old rocky creek beds,they call them ramblas.    Wishing you all the best  Adios for now

Friday, April 4, 2014

We decided to go to the monastery yesterday so tomorrow can spend more time in Albox at the flea market and looking around.  The trip was again amazing I am always surprised  how far you can see.  The hills are covered in olive, almond and orange groves.   Ter is impressed with how straight they are planted up and down and around the hillside.  The monastery was really beautiful, the pictures do not do it justice.  It was really interesting learning the history, Vern I got a medal for you.   There is a fancy restaurant below the monastery, so we gave it a try.    We were the only ones there, the waitress did not speak English.  The menu was all in Spanish so we just gave a guess and ordered.   We loved it, hugh salad then Ter had soup, which was like egg drop soup, I thought I was getting fruit (Berenjenas Fritas con Miel) turned out to be eggplant with a chocolate sauce.  It was a lot of fun!  Actually drove all day without getting lost.  My favorite cat,  Sammy is now bring me presents - ticks!!!  two on her in the last day.

Ter is working on plans for after we leave here on the 28th.  We will have till the 7th to tour Granada, Seville and Cordoba... so getting car rental and lodging booked.   Planning on driving back to Madrid.  All for now, more soon    

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Will the phone call with the wood guy did some good he showed up at the door.  I was just starting to put on my makeup, still in pj's.  Of course Ter was taking Meg for her daily walk.   Thought the stranger at the door could be the wood guy.  After a lot of pantomining, we got the point across, he would bring 70 euros of wood today at 4 pm.  He did and the wood box is stocked, ready for guest.  He (Cristobel) was so kind and patient I had to give him a big hug!

So now time to get ready for church, Ter walked down with me and we ran into Josie, Angie and Peter at the plaza.  No church, they changed the time and besides that I was an hour late, everyone moved their clocks ahead 1 hour, like we did at home 3 weeks ago.

We have enjoyed visiting with guest from all over England.  The ladies at knitting circle say there is quite a difference is accents from different areas of England.  But I really have not noticed that much difference.  They do use the word "proper" a lot.  I finished my first knitting project a cowl neck scarf, will put up a picture.  Feeling like a success!

Getting use to Meg and having to dust and sweep daily, socks look furry all the time!  Luckily she does not seem to bother my asthma.  Took a few nights to get use to her heavy breathing under our bed, kept thinking it was Ter at first:)

Planning a trip to Albox and then on to a monastary in the hills, we were going to go tomorrow, but Warren and Betsy informed us Albox has a flea market on Saturday that sounds inviting.

At knitting this week, we got to talking about bugs.  They said that now that the lizards are out so will the scorpions be out.  They have centipedes here too and some thing called procession caterpillars that our suppose to be very toxic to dogs and humans if you touch them.  Great one of the ladies told me she checks her bed every night.   Okay this was on April 1st, but I really think I trust this person.  so guess who is now checking her bed.  Thankful the work I had planned to do in weeding and sprucing up the yard is all done! Working on more pictures having some technical difficulties