Monday, April 14, 2014

Hard water here as you can tell by Terry's hair in the morning.  We have been calling it the "Einstein Look"   Been having fun visiting with guest. Learning interesting facts about England.  Stories about the "travelers" the Irish gypsies in the north of England.   Still have arranged marriages at 14 years of age, and devoted Catholics.  Keep pretty much to themselves.  Lots of interesting facts and stories.  We have an owl here that sounds like an electronic beep, it is called a Scops Owl. (sp?)

Sunday was Palm Sunday and everyone gathers at the town square  to collect olive branches. The priest blesses the branches and then everyone follows "Jesus"on the donkey to the church.  Have learned that in towns around their our possessions all week to celebrate Holy Week, hoping to see a few.

Tried a new place last night, only open 5 months.  A young couple from England bought the place and completely restored it.  Great food and nice place, Corinna in our knitting circle works there.

Off to knitting today, hoping to finish the crochet top, Ter is going to do some handy work for an elderly lady in town.  New guest coming today.   More later  - love to all!

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