Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Time to catch up.  Saturday we went to the flea market, ran into 9 people we knew from Lubrin.  Good size flea market and reasonable prices.  That night we went to supper at Angie and Peter's.  Peter cooked a fabulous meal, quite the gourmet cook.  We sat out on the terrace and enjoyed a beautiful evening.  Later went inside to teach them Mexican Train dominies, which they loved, had a great night.  Josie and Tony joined us.  Have to cover wine glasses or there are several fruit flies next sip!  That is how tapas started,they would bring out your wine covered with a piece of bread.  Has evolved from that.

Sunday off to church, I was the only non Spanish one there.  Turned out to be a funeral mass, at the beginning everyone stood and turned towards the door and the coffin was carried in.  At the end of the service the coffin was carried out put in a "hearse" and the whole church followed the hearse, walking through the town to the cementary.  A lot of men stay outside of the church, do not go in but join the procession.  Tony told us that a lot of people have turned against the church after the church supported Franco.

We cooked up all the peppers Hadyn brought and shared them with guest and took some for supper at Angie's.  Very different but not bad.

Funny to walk around town,  you see ladies with pieces of cardboard to shade themselves, they do not wear sun glasses.

Last night a  couple of guest Keith and Bronwyn invited us for drinks and tapas, all the guest joined so 7 of us.  Ended up playing Mexican Train dominoes which most of them had never heard of and listening to Tom Jones.   Fun evening later went for drinks at local bar and ran into Angie and Peter.
To bed to be woken up at 4 am by a 4 inch centipede, that bite Ter on the arm!!! No sleep after that.

Keith and Browyn are a very interesting couple originally from New Zealand. They live in ChristChurch and experienced the hugh earthquake in 2010.  Did not loose house or family but close to many effected.  They lived on a canal boat in England for several years, now Keith does computer programming and she is a "Matron" at a very posh private school (Bradfield)   Looks a lot like Hogwarts.  She says the Russian girls are very wealthy and have their own private drivers. She looks after 64. Her friend from New Zealand works their also.  

Today, off to knitting.  Was able to get half a top crocheted.  Home to treat Sammy who is covered with fleas.  Got phone call about a packaged, the poor guy just kept SIGHING really big. Finally he evidently found someone who speaks English who called and we were able to set up a meeting place to pick up the package.  Flat tire on the car but hey with these roads you do not even notice.  We all drive on old rocky creek beds,they call them ramblas.    Wishing you all the best  Adios for now

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