Sunday, March 23, 2014

Been a couple of days, we went to Bedar on Thursday, loved the drive.  I kept saying WOW and Ter said he was going to start charging $5 everytime I said it.  The view from the mountains to the Mediterranean is amazing.  Wish I had Keith's camera and skills.  The pictures I try to take do not do justice.  Mojacar is a village of whitewashed houses on the hillside, very stunning.  Driving on to Bedar you are in the mountains and there are many scattered beautiful homes each appears to be sitting on their own hilltop.  We had a fun day exploring.  Our first guest are delightful to visit with, they are from New Yorkshire, England and own a bed and breakfast.  David runs marathons and had just completed one in Barcelona.  Their web site is   Damaris is a nurse and also first cousin to John Kerry.   They left this morning, hope to keep in touch.  They asked us if we would like to housesit for them, would be fun!( sorry hit underline key on this small keyboard and can not figure out how to get rid of it)    Looks like we have 6 more bookings , next couple coming on Saturday.  Ter met a young family that moved here 6 months ago.His wife took a two year sabbatical from her job, he is hoping to make a living here gardening, been doing a lot of trimming on olive trees.  Their 6 year old son  (Marshal)hiked with Ter up to the moors outpost.  Which as been restored and is now a clock tower.  Twice a day ti shows the correct time:)   We found out Warren and Betsy have a web site . Married with Luggage, it tells all about them and the books they have published.  Went to town yesterday to take trash and do a few errands.  Parking is so limited Ter parked illegal and left me in car with flashers on.  Luckily there is only one policeman in town and he just walked by.  Gasoline here costs not quite $8 a gallon.  Marhal is on a soccer team, guess it has been several years since they have had enough children to have one here in Lubrin, so a bit behind the curve. Their record is 0 wins, 20 loses, 1 tie.   We walked to town tonight for supper and found out they do not even start serving till 7, it was only 6.   Francis an Irish neighbor invited Ter to a bar tonight to watch football (soccer) suppose to be the Super Bowl of soccer Starts at 9 pm, need to adjust to these hours, we still get up early and have not really gotten into the siesta lifestyle.  Town does pretty much close down from 2-5 everyday.  Off to church at 12:30 then Paella with friends on the plaza.   Adios  for now

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