Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sunday went to church, an absolutely beautiful old church that is in the middle of town and stands tall above everything else.  Will try and get some pictures of the inside. Very few young people in church, mostly older generations, though a good attendance.  They say the size of the church indicates the wealth of the community or use to.  This beautiful church is in need of repair.  Went with three friends from UK.  Ter met us at the plaza afterwards for Paella.   Very tasty but shrimp a bit stringy not like we get in Puerto Vallarta! Sat around most of the afternoon visiting.  Monday working around the place, tidying up things... Tuesday it was off to meet the girls at a different restaurant for knitting.  So okay I have casted on and now know one stitch , several roles made for my scarf but hey they are a few holes.  Even our expert knitter Pam could not figure out.  Looks like I may start again. Early evening our guest arrived from New Yorkshire, England.  They came to do a bit of hiking, so we gave them a tour and got them settled.  Then I was off to Bunco.  Went at 8 and home at 11:30  pm, what fun!  These  Brits are quite spunky and  have quite the quirky sense of humor.  Today we went to town, met several friends and stayed for tapas and beer. Thought I was getting a fish tapa but turned out to be a very rubbery squid, Ter tried black pudding (sausage) not a fan. Easy to waste a day away here.  Weather is getting warmer and a siesta in the sun feels heavenly.  Tomorrow may venture out to explore some surrounding towns.  Will keep you posted


  1. Haven't checked on you guys for a few days and it's nice to catch up with your experiences. Gale, squid is good if pounded and cooked quickly and not too long. Long is what makes it rubbery. Ter, "black pudding"? Anything like special gravy for the biscuits? Maybe you might want to stick to the "black beans"? I really like the idea of sitting the afternoon away with tapas and beer. Glad to hear it's getting warmer too. Throw out the water bottles! Keep us posted on your visits to the other towns. Take lots of pics.
    Love from R&D&BTWD

    1. Just checked comments, will do better at replying! Take good care of OUR Dee!!!

  2. Hi aunt gale and uncle terry hope to see you soon please send me picks
    Love Hayden

    1. Great to hear from you Hayden, still learning about blogging :). Will try and take more pictures. Adios for now
