Saturday, March 15, 2014

Been getting things ship shape here.  Cleaned two apartments ,some rearranging and a bit of decorating :)  Getting ready for guest (with a t) on Tuesday.  Ter refers to John affectionately as Mr. Magoo,  you love him but how he does things is amazing.  The chain on the chain saw was backwards...   We saw a whole herd of goats on the hill about a 1/2 mile a way, Ter yelled  Hola!  and the shepherd waved.   We went for wine  and tapas tonight ran into Hayden so he joined us.  Hayden is 37, he was born in England, moved to the US at 10, he is married to a nurse from Louisiana, they have lived here for  6 years.  the nicest young man, been helping Ter out with tools and how things work here,  he does odd jobs.  Even was a shepherd for 9 months, amazing young man.   Christy his wife does home health nursing for a lady from the UK.  They have a daughter Isabella that it 4.    Employment is always a concern here,the unemployment rate is over 26% Went to town earlier today for groceries and did great, the lady that owns the store gave us an English/Spanish dictionary, very helpful.  Everyone  is really friendlly. A bit colder  here than expected and no central heat, lots of fires, shutters closed as soon as it starts cooling down and we are talking BIG water bottles to bed!  Eating too much but sure enjoying it,off to church tomorrow and then to plaza for Paella.   Will post again in a few days, time is going fast

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