Thursday, March 27, 2014

Off for another adventure today, been a busy week around here.  Guys came on Monday to take out the bottom of the pool, redo the cement and tile to fix a leak.   Water is scarce and expensive here.  We had a pump failure for the water booster pump and  had John call the plumber twice.  When it goes off no water.  Happened 5 times the other day when we had guest here.  Terry has since put in a bypass valve so you can still get water just not as much pressure.    We walked a round town the other day, I am always amazed how quiet and sleepy this town appears.  Probably 80% of the window shade/coverings are always closed.  I asked a real estate agent about this, and she said half the houses are empty, families do not want to sell.  They have moved to other areas for jobs, but come back for holidays and fiestas.  Even during weekdays you see less than 20 people in town.   Yesterday I took a break sat down soaking in the warm sun, on a secluded terrace, since it was a very windy day, and very crisp wind.  I am reading a book recommended by Hyden, called Driving on Lemons.  It is about a couple who bought an old cortijo(farm) here 15 years ago and wrote about their experience.  really applies to today and the young couples we have met here.   The other day we went in search of some steel wool, luckily we are able to type it in google translate and they can read it in Spanish, the talking aspect of google translate not so accurate.  Okay may be our pronunciation.  On our last outing I forgot to mention our stop at a second hand store run by gypsies. Hugh place but not so cheap.   Bought a picture frame and Ter bargained successfully.   Still enjoying my weekly knitting circle, there were 22 ladies this week.  It is amazing the quality of things they are knitting, I look pretty pathetic but they are all so supportive. :). We are having Hyden, Kristy and their daughter Isabelle over for supper tomorrow night   At 9 Pm, hope Ter and I can last that long, we find ourselves pretty sleepy by then, guess a siesta is in store.  Saturday will be getting our next guest and then two more couple Wednesday.  We got a great review from our first guest and John was really pleased.  They posted it on responsible where they had booked this place.   Terry has been busy on small jobs, and I have been "grooming" the garden.  Ter also made me a walking stick which really helps up and down the hills, silly knee is still having some swelling.   Meg the sheep dog is adorable, Ter walks her every day. Sammy is another matter, love attention and buts you in the face to get it.  She determines wether she wants in or not a night, either way she wakes you up about 3 am with her meow sounds like Hell-woah... Till you get up and let her in or out.  Will get some more pictures post soon.   Adios for now. Sending hugs!

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